Ooooo...two weeks in a row! This week we are asked to post:
1. Your suitcase/s or travel bag.
2. Your ground.
3. Something you are powerless to.
I had to think about these, but here is what I came up with.
1. Your suitcase/s or travel bag.

I don't travel all that much (across town and back constantly doesn't count) so I'm not going to bother digging out the suitcase. It's just your standard black wheeled thing anyways. I'm posting my "pack-pack" as one of the girls coined any sort of backpack years ago. I got this on Freecycle with the intention of giving it to one of the girls for school, but it was so nice that I decided to keep it for me. I LOVE it! I haul around anything I think I may need in one of it's zillions of pockets. It just makes me happy.
2. Your ground. 
I’m guessing this will be a different interpretation than most, but Shaun grounds me. In fact, I think he takes it as his personal mission to bring me back down to earth when I get a little too…well, I can’t think of a good word here. In all seriousness, he “gets” me in ways that other people simply can’t. He knows all the bad things about me and loves me anyways. He’s my home, my safety net, my ground.
3. Something you are powerless to.
I am powerless to the changes of time. Our girls are growing up so swiftly. They are already looking away from us, towards their futures. This is as it should be, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I know that they will always be our little girls. I also know that they need to branch out and be who they are meant to be. I have no power over the fact that they are growing up or who they will be in the end.
Can you tell I'm feeling a bit sentimental tonight? That will teach me to stay up so late!
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