Friday, May 19, 2006

And now for something completely different!

There are a lot of little games and challenges going on in the Blog World. So far, I've just wistfully watched from afar. Today, I thought I would take up the challenge from one of my favorites. Kristine puts up an assignment each week asking for three different photos. It's up to each person to interpret and post what they will.
This week's assignment (and my very first!):

I am inspired by Wave of Modulation. She takes my breath away. Not only with her pictures, but her words that are so real, raw and soul squeezing. This week…it’s about WoM.

1. Something Discarded
2. Lay down on the ground and find something ugly and make it beautiful.
3. Take a picture in the style of the person that inspires you.

Here's my (very rushed) take on it!

1. Something discarded

Technically, these aren’t quite discarded, but they should be. They are my Mother’s Day roses and I just hate t0 let them go. It’s been so hot that they didn’t even last a week. Sigh…I loved them…

2. Lay down on the ground and find something ugly and make it beautiful. I found this ugly copper scrubby on the floor after I threw it there. I like all the little coppery glints and the blue glimpse of whatever that stuff is. (I’m not really sure I want to know!) I had trouble with the lighting. I kept getting a big shadow…I’ll have to ask Shaun about how to make it go away. I’m not sure if I should tell him I tried to get extra light with a flashlight or not. Hmmm…

3. Take a picture in the style of the person that inspires you.

My husband has this way of taking a really tight shot of somebody and capturing the “essence” of them. Having nobody around but the critters, I took a shot of my cat, Taigoo. I figured she was pestering me earlier so it was only fair!

I can't wait for next time! Did you play?