Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mimi and her Grandpa

I just came across this piece that Mimi wrote back in July of 2003.  I tried to find a photo of the two of them together as they almost always are, but came up with nothing. (anyone have one they can email me? Mom? Shaun?) Anyways, here it is…it cracks me up in a very sweet way.

          What I like about my grandpa lamp

This is how I describe my grandpa.  First off he is a very, very nice person.  He has a big curly moustache (and we are not aloud to touch it).  Also he always where a shirt with a pocket in the front.  He is a very tall man, has very big feet.  He is also an ice cream lover. That is how I describe my grandpa.


     This next paragraph is about what I like about you.  You always make me pancakes w/ stuff when I ask.   Also you give out very good nuggies. He also raised good and wonderful children.  Has always been able to make wood things (for example the bench and the crib you made and the hanging swirls & swings w/ children on them.  That is what I like about you.  

     Hi again this is going to be about why he his special.  I think hi is special because he is my grand father and I love him. Also because he never ever lets me touch his moustache.   So when he made a mess out of my hair I got very mad but then I was happy again.