Monday, February 27, 2006

Instrument of Confusion

You may be shocked to find out that I’m a little on the…um…shall we say frugal side.  (Of course Shaun insists on using such crude language that he actually calls me cheap!) So, when I find out about a good deal, I’m all over it.

The good deal, in this instance was an EBay store that sold great quality musical instruments for very low cost.  The father of one of Mimi’s friends told me all about it.  He said that he even checked it out with the school’s music teachers.  Hmmm, I thought to myself.  I just happen to know of two girls that live in my house that could use a musical instrument of their own.  

So I looked up the name that he gave me.  Could this possibly be too good to be true? These instruments cost less than the rental payment I was making on the ones the girls use now.  Oh, I was tempted, yet…something (common sense?) held me back.

With today’s mail, came the instrument bill.  It was time.  No more rentals for me.  Although, after looking at these beautiful instruments off and on for about a month, I still had no clue which I should get.  They were all “brand new”, “never been played”, “Italian Engineering” and “prime German instruments” It did puzzle me that they were all the same price, but the web site’s reasoning made it seem very logical about why they had such low cost. Besides, it was SUCH a good deal.  So, I did what any logical person should do.  I sent off a quick email to the music teacher asking her which brand she recommended that most.  

Her very diplomatic response basically said “What the HECK are you thinking? Buying an instrument off the INTERNET??? What are you, NUTS??!”  Then she gave me her home phone number and invited me to call her.  (Did I mention that this is a delightful saint of a woman? Both girls adore her and so do I) Of course, I called her and she very strongly cautioned me against purchasing one of those instruments.  When I mentioned the dad that said she had approved, she couldn’t help but laugh.  I was informed that he only heard what he wanted to hear, not what she had to say.  (Sounds like a lot of people I know) He had decided that he just couldn’t lose, there was a 7 day money back guarantee and he would be out nothing but the $30 shipping fee.

I did a bit more research.  I tried to find out information about the brand names the web site was selling.  The only thing I could find were a few discussion boards of people wondering the same thing.  The only thing I found out for sure was that they are made in China. (that’s supposed to be bad) There were some very mixed reviews.  

Just in case you are in the market for new viola or violin, here are a few things I’ve learned:
  1. A used instrument is more desirable than a brand new instrument. Something about bringing out the proper tone.  

  2. Just because it says “Italian Engineering” doesn’t mean that it’s Italian.  

  3. It doesn’t matter how pretty the instrument is.  What matters is how it sounds.  (They all sound pretty much the same to me!)

  4. A thousand dollar viola is still considered fairly cheap!

  5. It’s true…you get what you pay for.  Including advice!

Sigh…I may be frugal, but I’m not dumb.  I guess I’ll be sending in that rental payment pretty soon.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Overheard Conversation

KT: “Daddy! I’m making a grilled cheese sandwich!”

Daddy: “Really?  How are you cooking it?”

KT: “In the microwave”

Daddy: look of shock and horror

KT: “It’s  really easy and tastes just as good as the other kind…only it’s just a little more soggy”

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Alien Abduction

It has been pointed out to me that it has been exactly a week since I have posted.  Sigh….I guess I really am getting old now.  I forget such simple things as keeping the world posted on the mundane goings on in my life.  What shall I blame this on? Could I have been abducted by aliens?  Early Alzheimer’s onset? (This is one I truly do worry about) The dog ate my computer? I guess I really don’t have a good excuse…woe is me.

Anyways, I’m not going to write much right now.  We are on midwinter break from school and My Shadow thinks that I should spend every spare moment with her.  In fact, somehow I found myself snuggled in front of the TV this morning watching “Full House” and being encouraged to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. ICK! (And this was all before I was even awake enough to have my coffee) I’m only alone now because I made her take a shower and she takes long ones.  I just had to pop in real quick to let you know that I’m still alive.  

I have a lot to catch up on this week. Some of the highlights include not one, but two trips to Mt Rainer, a flaming lunch date, my friend’s Valentine Fiasco (this one reminds me of why I should keep Shaun when he’s annoying me), sewing and card making with My Shadow.  I can’t decide if I should just let all that stuff floating around in my head drift away or just start where I am.  I’ll decide later when I try to post this evening. My Shadow leaves for a sleepover birthday party so I should have a moment to myself.  For right now, I have to go play…maybe those aliens will come rescue me…

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Mimi excitedly called for me to come to the kitchen. She then told me to close my eyes and she would guide me. Of course, she didn’t trust me to keep my eyes closed and insisted on covering them with her hands. So, I was guided to the table and instructed to sit down before she triumphantly whipped her hands off my face and presented me with a lovely cake. (Actually it was a hamburger bun filled with candles and a chocolate heart.) Someone said they thought it was hideous, but I think it's beautiful. My baby made it for me.

Shaun took the day off so we can go have fun. Who knows what we'll end up doing? Off to play!

Friday Night Follies

Mimi’s second performance of the week was at our school’s talent show. She had been rehearsing all that for a couple weeks as well. (Where does she find room to keep all that stuff in her head along with all her normal stuff? I don’t even have room for an extra phone number in my head!)
She and her friend E opened the show by asking the audience to stand and join them in singing the national anthem. It was a very poignant moment watching my little girl sing in front of an audience of thousands (OK, maybe a few less than that) for her very last time at her elementary school. I didn't cry, but I know someone else that did...

Then we had to sit through 497 acts involving other people’s kids. (Notice how Mimi made sure she was in both the opening and closing act? I’m pretty sure she did this to make sure we couldn’t sneak in early or out late) I actually enjoy our talent show or Follies as they are called. Kids are so much fun to watch. Despite careful planning, you never know exactly what will happen. Anyways, we finally got to the “Sixth Grade Grand Finale”, a tradition at our school. This year, the sixth graders were dancing to “Thriller”. Now, I could probably do this dance in my sleep as many times as I had seen it and heard about all the moves. I wasn’t prepared for the final impact of the group perfomance though. They were all dressed as zombies complete with great makeup and wild hair. It was an awesome performance! (I noticed somebody with weepy eyes after that one too)
This is a close-up of our little zombie. Isn't she lovely? She looks sad because...well...she is. In fact after the show, all of the sixth grade girls were huddled up bawling. One of their classmates was moving the next day and they were having a hard time dealing with it. Kinda like someone I know having a hard time dealing with little girls growing up...

Cure of the Itchy Fingers

That whole itchy finger thing? I got over it just as soon as I went outside and my fingers shriveled up from the cold.

Now, you have to understand that I grew up in San Diego. When you look out the window there and see sunny blue skies it means it’s a warm sunny day. When it’s gloomy and overcast…grab your winter coat. (unless it's only June Gloom) It doesn't matter what time of year it is. My brain has a hard time wrapping itself around the fact that the gloomy clouds hold the heat in. Sigh…

But look at my pretty, pretty primrose that popped up! They make me happy. There is also a yellow primrose starting to bloom as well. I've got to hand it to these are tough little flowers that can survive both the slugs and me!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Itchy Fingers

I am currently experiencing a feeling that is alien to me. My fingers want to run outside and dive into the soil in our front yard. They are screaming to go out into the rare sunshine and till the soil. They want to do things like prune, pull weeds and plant things.

I’ve tried talking to them about it. I’ve pointed out that they really don’t know what they are doing. What if we pulled up something that’s supposed to be there? (OK, that was a weak argument as there is pretty much nothing there.) My hands seem to still hold the excitement of planting a few things last summer that actually lived for a while. “WE CAN DO IT!” they shout at me.

Hmmmm, maybe…but it’s still winter. It’s only the beginning of February, it’s still possible to get snow. The only argument against that is that Mother Nature seems to think it is spring, regardless of what Mr. Groundhog says. The bulbs that KT and her grandpa planted are pushing through and my trusty primrose has a little purple flower.

Maybe we’ll have a beautiful garden this year. After all, I have a couple aunts with beautiful gardens. It must run in the blood somehow. It’s possible. We can do it. OK, fingers…have at it!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Our Little Diva

Last night, my heart soared as I watched our little girl sing her heart out at our school district’s honor music performance. It was a wonderful concert and I’m so glad she was able to be a part of it.

We had originally encouraged her to join the Honors Orchestra with her violin. Because so few kids actually play instruments, anyone that wanted to be a part of the honors group could. But our Little Mimi didn’t want to be in the Honors Orchestra. She wanted to be in the Honors Choir. The only problem was that the orchestra roster was formed two weeks before the auditions for choir. If she didn’t make it into the choir, she wouldn’t be able to participate at all.

Despite all of our concerns and advice, Mimi had no worries. She was determined to audition for one of our schools five Honors Choir positions. (Stubborn little thing never has listened to us!) Mimi confidently sang her audition. Of course, she got one of the coveted spots, just as she knew she would. We are very proud of our Little Diva.

Note: I was going to title this "Our Little Songbird" but someone insisted that I use the word "Diva" instead!

School Spirit Day

"Wouldn't it be awful if today weren't really Crazy Day? It is Wednesday isn't it?"

Of course I told her it was Thursday then asked her if she needed to go change real quick. I got her for a quick moment. I know, I know...Bad Mama!

I thought I'd add this for the full effect although I can't seem to make it any bigger. Note the toe socks with sandels, perfect for a rainy day!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Catastrophe Prevented

Perhaps you recall the Battle of the Q-tips? Well, it nearly escalated, but thanks to my level headed thinking, I prevented an all out war.

So, I went out in the kitchen wrapped in my towel to get a Q-tip as has become the habit in our house. They weren’t there! NO WAY!! Could I have won? Could he have possibly put them away like he was supposed to? I triumphantly scurried back down the hall to our bathroom and searched for the Q-tips. They weren’t there. Believe me, I looked in every possible hiding spot. Hmmm…hiding spot…oh no….

I ran back to the kitchen screeching to a halt in front of the fridge. I stared at the freezer section wondering what I going to have to do to Ashley for suggesting such a plan. It would have to be drastic. Poor Ashley. Slowly I opened the freezer to find…just a bunch of half-freezer burned veggie burgers and green beans. She was so lucky!

I found myself glaring down at the snoring man in my bed. What form of torture should I perform to make him ‘fess up about the Q-tip location? I considered a bucket of water (didn’t want to change the sheets) painting his nails (fun, but too subtle) ice cubes (didn’t have any) or just waking him up and asking him (not creative enough).

Instead, I wandered the house. Where could they be? Hiding things really isn’t his style. I looked in the kitchen again. Finally, I found them! They were right where I had put them when I was cleaning off the table last night. Oops.

Good thing I prevented the war by being so level headed!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day

Apparently the little varmint saw his shadow today. Sigh…couldn’t he just peek out and keep his eyes closed? I shouldn’t complain. We really haven’t had much of a winter. One day of snow and some rain. Well, lots and lots and lots of rain.

I realize that living in the PNW means living with rain. I actually like the rain. It usually lifts my spirits and makes me happy. I’ve actually wished that it would rain during the short dry spells we have in the summer. Sigh…Mother Nature seems to be going a bit overboard this year. Oh well…it will all balance out.

I’m just not sure what to tell the green daffodil shoots growing in my little flower bed. (My brown thumb and I had nothing to do with them, they just decided to start growing) I can only hope the little varmint (Isn’t his name supposed to be Phil or something like that?) was just imagining things. He could be wrong once in a while couldn’t he? I would really like a break from the rain and mostly, I would really like my poor little almost flowers to live.

Me, a criminal?

You’d think that I had committed one of the worst crimes against all of humanity from the outpour of dismay from an amazing amount of people. It wasn’t like I was trying to do something ghastly, in fact, quite the opposite. I was being responsible. (I must get this from my father)

What is this appalling thing that I have done? Well, I had our last two “unaltered” critters in our small zoo “fixed”. Can you believe I would do such a thing?

We just love kittens in our family. (Who wouldn’t?) They are nothing short of adorable. The only thing about them is that they turn into cats (and then make more kittens)

Last spring, we made the decision to let our cat Lucy have kittens. (If I had known how awful it was to live with a cat in heat it probably wouldn’t have happened. All that howling! Then her little boyfriends started coming in through the dog door. What a nightmare! Everyone seems to forget about that part) We thought it would be a good, perhaps even educational experience for the girls to witness the miracle of birth firsthand. I still have fond memories of watching our neighbor’s dog give birth when I was a kid. I just wanted my girls to have the same sort of memories.

So, we had baby kitties. (And I’m not going to mention that fact that my rotten brother hauled us off to Canada as we had already planned before Lucy went into labor. I’m completely over the fact that we missed seeing the last kitten be born. Really.) We loved our baby kitties and had a very hard time letting them go to the homes we had selected for them. And yes, I do mean selected. There were a couple families that I refused to let have a kitten for various reasons. Like the one lady who said she wanted one for each of her girls and promised to lock them in the garage every night so they wouldn’t get eaten by coyotes like the last four kittens had been. Hello? These are Royal Kittens, they only sleep on tufted pillows and eat out of crystal goblets. (OK, maybe not that spoiled, but locked in the garage?)

Having kittens was a wonderful experience. And I love the fact that we are still updated on how our babies are doing out in the world. But this was a one shot deal. I can handle Shaun being upset that I didn’t actually “forget” to have them fixed. (He thinks we should have a whole slew of baby critters at all times) It doesn’t bother me a bit that the girls and all their friends are miffed at me. I’m proud of what I did, and would do it again in a heartbeat! Still…it would’ve been nice…