Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Alien Abduction

It has been pointed out to me that it has been exactly a week since I have posted.  Sigh….I guess I really am getting old now.  I forget such simple things as keeping the world posted on the mundane goings on in my life.  What shall I blame this on? Could I have been abducted by aliens?  Early Alzheimer’s onset? (This is one I truly do worry about) The dog ate my computer? I guess I really don’t have a good excuse…woe is me.

Anyways, I’m not going to write much right now.  We are on midwinter break from school and My Shadow thinks that I should spend every spare moment with her.  In fact, somehow I found myself snuggled in front of the TV this morning watching “Full House” and being encouraged to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. ICK! (And this was all before I was even awake enough to have my coffee) I’m only alone now because I made her take a shower and she takes long ones.  I just had to pop in real quick to let you know that I’m still alive.  

I have a lot to catch up on this week. Some of the highlights include not one, but two trips to Mt Rainer, a flaming lunch date, my friend’s Valentine Fiasco (this one reminds me of why I should keep Shaun when he’s annoying me), sewing and card making with My Shadow.  I can’t decide if I should just let all that stuff floating around in my head drift away or just start where I am.  I’ll decide later when I try to post this evening. My Shadow leaves for a sleepover birthday party so I should have a moment to myself.  For right now, I have to go play…maybe those aliens will come rescue me…