Tuesday, December 27, 2005

King Kong

We’ve been meaning to go see King Kong since the day it first came out.  It almost got to be a joke.   It seemed as though there was always something more important that we had to do.  Today was the day we could finally go and see it.  I seriously considered coming up with a perfectly valid excuse to delay our seeing it yet again, but I really hate to watch a grown man cry.  (You’d think this movie had been out for months from the way certain people were carrying on!)

This is an amazing movie!  It drew us in from the very beginning and kept us all enthralled for the next three hours.  I’m not a big movie fanatic, I just don’t get excited about them, but this is one flick that I would watch over and over.  It has shot to the very top of my short list of All Time Favorite Movies.  You have to understand that, for me, this is Big Stuff.  After all, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is still on that list.  It made us laugh and made us cry.  It had adventure, romance and everything in between.  Go see it.  Bring tissue.